Resting in the Knowingness

Resting in the Knowingness
by Rev. Karen Linsley, M.A., Interim Minister

I rest in the knowingness that Divine Force is.  It simply is.  Every where present. In all things.  Working through all things.  Surrounding me and giving me power.  And so with that power I speak my word for absolutely beautiful and strong self love. I speak my word that from this self love comes self care.  I speak my word that from this self love comes an awareness and a willingness to do Spirit’s will, which is always for expansion and growth.  I speak my word for the willingness and ability to set boundaries and keep them, and I know that from this self care and resulting sense of self worth comes a glorious feeling of knowing the worthiness of others.  All others.  Yes, even them.  Because I care for myself, I care for others, and that is a beautiful thing.

And so I release my words with great gratitude, knowing they are a reality.

And so it is.