RGCSL Daily Insights
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM
Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought
We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.
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The insight for today:
“Faith is not a dogma, a creed, or a statement of being. It is a certain mental approach to Reality. It is an affirmative approach as opposed to a negative one. It is agreement as opposed to denial.”
“The mind can accept or it can reject, but it cannot do both with the same proposition. The mind cannot accept what it rejects, it cannot embody what it denies, it will not accept what it refuses to believe. Prayer, faith and belief are mental attitudes. It is written that ‘faith shall heal the sick and God shall raise him up.’ This implies a human act followed by an act of God. It also implies that without such a human act the act of God will not follow. The act of God follows our faith in God.
Prayer leads one to a place of mental acceptance, but prayer without faith is ineffectual. Faith elevates the prayer to conviction and acceptance. Where does God come in? God already is in and does not have to come from anywhere to anywhere. God is the entire process, both in our thought as individuals and in the universal as answering our individual thought. The prayer of faith makes it possible for the law to respond and do the thing desired.”
“This is a natural law in the spiritual world. We need not be afraid of leaving the Spirit out of the process, for It is Cause, Medium and Effect. The All in All.”
“It operates simply by speaking.”
– Ernest Holmes
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