RGCSL Daily Insights
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM
Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought
We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.
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The insight for today:
“We say, in our system of thought, that there is nothing but God, and that when we talk to each other God is communicating Himself to Him-self”
“It is small wonder that people who believe that Divinity is an external thing should think we are sacreligious. From their point of view they are right, but if that Something which we call God, in Its essence and in our approach to It, is not to be found in our own spirit, then we shall never find it. Emerson said: ‘Listen greatly unto yourself.’ And Jesus said: ‘Who hath seen me hath seen the Father, because this is the manifestation of God.’ God must be, and is, a universal essence, an undivided and indivisible Spirit, omnipresent, and present in our own spirit as that which we are at this moment. Our approach to this Divine, Creative Principle is the Still Small Voice. God is an indwelling Presence. I do not believe in lost souls, but I do believe that every living soul is in search of himself and his relationship to whatever Reality is. I only know what Reality is in a very small degree.”
“We have come to believe there is a Reality which we sense in our own being, giving birth to a direct relationship to the Infinite— all the magnificence and the beauty and the power and the peace which is commensurate with the estimation of the meaning of the Infinite . . . God.”
“It operates simply by speaking.”
– Ernest Holmes
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