RGCSL Daily Insights – The Need Of Spiritual Experience…

RGCSL Daily Insights

Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM

Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought

We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.

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The insight for today:


“We need spiritual experience, a first-hand knowledge of life and reality. There is no medium between God and man, nothing between life and living, between heaven and hell but an idea. But an idea has no real value until it becomes an experience.In conversation we assume great knowledge of religion and philosophy but how much do we really experience? We can know only that which we experience. All great religions have taught truth but it means nothing to us unless it becomes our truth.We need spiritual experience. We shall never know peace until we embody it; we shall never know Truth until we become Truth; and we cannot know God unless we (page 76) sense Him within our own being. The Spirit is ever giving, but we must take. What life does for us must be done through us. It is useless for a troubled mind to beseech God to bring peace to it. God Is Peace, and we can approach this wonderful presence only as we turn from all that is opposed to it. It is useless to ask God to save sinners from eternal damnation since the Divine Mind conceived neither hell nor devil. If the Deity could know these things they would have a real existence. God knows only peace, and peace is the power at the heart of the Eternal Mind. Back of all is eternal goodness, loving-kindness and everlasting blessedness.Spiritual experience is deep, calm and self-assertive; it is the result of actually realizing that presence which binds all together in one complete Whole. This experience comes in the stillness of the soul when the outer voice is quiet, when the tempest of mortal strife is abated; it is a quickening of the inner man to an eternal reality.Spiritual experience is not an opinion, it is a fact. Spirituality may be defined as the atmosphere of good, the realization of God. It cannot, and does not, borrow its light from another, no matter how great or noble he may be; it springs from within, coming from that never-failing fountain of life, which quenches every thirst, whose source is in eternity; the well-spring of self-existence.”

“It is a revelation of the self to the self, putting one back on the track of his own self-dependence on Spirit, his own at-one-ment with reality.”

“It operates simply by speaking.”

– Ernest Holmes

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