RGCSL Daily Insights – There is Nothing More Specific Than Mental Treatment…

RGCSL Daily Insights

Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM

Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought

We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.

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The insight for today:

“If we wish to demonstrate a companion or a position, we are not treating to heal some physical ailment. If someone asks us how to get to a certain place, geographically, we do not direct him in the opposite direction.

Why, then, should we be chaotic in giving treatments?”

“There is nothing more specific than mental treatment. We are going back to the Essence, God, Spirit, the Absolute, the Unknowable, in that It is more than we shall ever know, but not unthinkable. Let us try to realize not only that with God all things are possible, but that poverty, disease and other human ills do not have stages of development in Divine Mind.

When doubts, fears and contradictions come up in mind, we must turn to them and consciously and definitely put them out. We must remember a thought is a thing. A thought that doubts good neutralizes a thought that affirms good, and vice versa. It does not matter what has happened or what condition exists, we must realize that we are using a Power, compared to which the united intelligence of the human race is as nothing. We must still affirm, with an ever-growing conviction, the active presence of good in our experience right now. A treatment becomes a mental entity in the spiritual world, just as a kernel of corn becomes a physical entity in this creative force of nature which we call the soil, in conjunction with the elements. “

The sooner we realize this is the truth about mental practice, the quicker we will demonstrate.:
“The word which we speak is complete and sure and has means and processes of producing itself at the level of our recognition. Consequently, as the recognition becomes greater, the experience becomes broader. We are dealing with Absolute, unconditioned Causation right now, and in such degree as our concept embraces this conviction, we are able to demonstrate the condition we desire.”

 “It operates simply by speaking.”

– Ernest Holmes

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