Spiritual Mind Treatment for Our New Minister
by Marilyn C. O’Leary, RScP
All is God and All is Love. God is everywhere, all-powerful, all knowing, the Perfect Guide, Divine Right Action. In the midst of all possibilities, God is. I am One with God. All I do, all I am, is One with God. This is true for everyone on the Search Committee, for our Board, and for our congregants. We are each One with Spirit, and we are one with each other in Spirit.
As we search for the perfect senior minister for the Rio Grande Center, the perfect minister is searching for us. I know that the perfect minister for the RGCSL is already provided, and that the Search Committee is guided with the consciousness of Divine Love and Harmony. It is guided and directed by Divine Wisdom in every step of the process, and that which serves the highest and best good for RGCSL is now demonstrated. I affirm that the process goes smoothly and harmoniously, that it is carried out with ease and grace, and that as the RGCSL searches for its senior minister, it uses this process to be open to growth and transformation as individuals and as a community. We move to the next step of our development as we go through this process. The search process is a blessing to us, and the RGCSL will become an even more vital community, a prosperous community, and one that takes its place in meeting the spiritual needs of its congregants and of Albuquerque and New Mexico. Our new senior minister is here, we are blessed.
I give thanks for our community, our Board, and our Search Committee. I give thanks for this teaching that assures us that all is done in Divine Right Order. I give thanks for the Centers for Spiritual Living Home Office in its wisdom and guidance in helping us with this process.
I release this prayer to the Law and to Love, knowing that it is already fulfilled and demonstrated.
And so it is.