The Daily Meditation 09.23.2012
Surrendering to Joy
By Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister
There is One Life and that Life is Perfect. That Life is the One I call God. I invoke God knowing that when I do, I invoke Limitless Possibility, Beautiful Action, Creative Happiness, Soulful Joy. It is who I am and where I come from.
I am that limitless possibility, beautiful action, creative happiness, soulful joy. My essence lives in, as, and through every part of my life and so when I join with the Creator, I join forces with the most powerful Energy there is. As I know this to be true for me, I know this to be true for every single person who reads or hears this prayer. Every single person who joins forces with the All There Is, joins forces with the most powerful Energy there is.
Accepting this for myself and others, I step out boldly. I proclaim and surrender to the greatest joy and peace there is. Anything unlike this joy and peace fall away because any limiting energy cannot survive in the face of truth. Joy and peace are truth. Abundance is truth. Health is truth. Love is truth. I claim the truth and I claim myself.
I give thanks for this truth. I give thanks for the reality of my soul and I am grateful for all of my blessings known and unknown. I am grateful for every person who recognizes the goodness of his or her soul. My life is a cornucopia of goodness and I am happy.
So I release all of this into the Law knowing it cannot come back to me void.
Y asi es.
Rev Martha Quintana is the Senior Minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico
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Prayer Line
The Spiritual Practitioners of the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual now offer a Prayer Line. The phone number is 505-850-4857. You may leave a prayer request or, if you want to pray directly with a Practitioner, leave your name and number and a Practitioner will return your call between 8am and 9 p.m.
What We Teach
We teach the Science of Mind, which is the study of Life and the nature of the laws of thought; the idea that we live in a Spiritual Universe; that God or Spirit is in, through, around us; and that this Presence is a loving source of all Good.
Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living
Connecting community to Spirit!
We recognize that an inherent desire in every individual is to realize the person God intended us to be. As we realize our true God selves, the greatest gift we can give another is to support him or her in becoming that God person too.
Most important, every man, woman and child who lives in the Universe is significant to the Creator. Our doors will forever be open to all…