Abundant Expectancy

Abundant Expectancyby Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL “The greatest gift Life could have made to you is yourself. You are a spontaneous, self-choosing center in Life, in the great drama of being, the great joy of becoming, the certainty of eternal expansion. You could not ask for more and more could not have been given.” – Dr. Ernest Holmes Oh dear Life eternal, I feel your presence right here and right …

The Heartbeat of Life

The Heartbeat of Lifeby Nancy Bowers, RScP “Love created me like itself.” ~ Lesson 67, A Course in Miracles God is the Heartbeat of Life. It is the Energy Source behind all Creativity; the Answer to every question. Easy and All-knowing, Spirit is Certain. It arrives with Calm Confidence knowing that Love is always being served up. God cocoons His children in Love. It is the highest and best response to every question. It is …

Treatment for an Abundant Life

Treatment for an Abundant Lifeby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP There is one power in the Universe. This Power is God, Universal Spirit. It is the substance of all things. It is Love, Light, Health, Abundance, Prosperity, Beauty, Creativity. It is omnipresent, eternal, omnipotent. As the Law, this power reacts to my intention and my word. I am made of this power.  As the Christ used it, I may use it. As an expression of my belief, …

Marilyn O'Leary, RScP

Treatment for an Abundant Life

Treatment for an Abundant Life by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP There is one power in the Universe. This Power is God, Universal Spirit. It is the substance of all things. It is Love, Light, Health, Abundance, Prosperity, Beauty, Creativity. It is omnipresent, eternal, omnipotent. As the Law, this power reacts to my intention and my word. I am made of this power.  As the Christ used it, I may use it. As an expression of my …

Nancy Bowers RScP

The Heartbeat of Life

The Heartbeat of Life Nancy Bowers, RScP God is the Heartbeat of Life. It is the Energy Source behind all Creativity; the Answer to every question. Easy and All-knowing, Spirit is Certain. It arrives with Calm Confidence knowing that Love is always being served up. God cocoons His children in Love. It is the highest and best response to every question. It is God’s only response. It is the same response I strive for – …

Ardy Skinner, RScP

I am Fully Abundant in All Aspects of Life

The Daily Meditation 7.09.2014 “I am Fully Abundant in All Aspects of Life!” Ardy Reed, RScP   God is that Amazing Presence filled with Abundant Energy, Abundant Light, Abundant Love, and Abundant Prosperity! God is in the center of my being, and I am a creative expression of this amazing abundance! And just as I am, I also know this for you! In living out this realization, I know, see, and feel the abundant flow of …