What Is My Calling?by Greg Gardner, RScP Calling – “noun, a strong urge toward a particular way of life or career; a vocation: those who have a special calling to minister to others’ needs.”~ New Oxford American dictionary ~ As a child I was growing. Growing must have been my calling. As an adolescent I was learning. My calling must have been learning. As an adult I was working. My calling must have been working, Today …
Your Calling is Sacred
Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living This Sunday, November 17th, 2013 10 AM Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister Rev. Martha surveyed the congregation to find out what topics they wanted to hear about on Sunday morning. Congregants sent in over 80 suggestions. All of the talks this fall are directly taken from the survey and dedicated to the people who come to the Sunday Service. To all of the congregants and visitors, thank you for creating a world-class spiritual …