Starting A Spiritual Chain Reaction

Starting A Spiritual Chain Reactionby Marylyn Kirk, RScP There is One Life, One Power, One Presence, One Love. It is the Creative Power of the Living Spirit that guides all of existence into its most perfect expression. This love is infinite; there is no limit to the love of God. It is all-inclusive. I am included in Its power and in Its Love.  This I know to be true. I align myself with this truth …

Starting A Spiritual Chain Reaction

Starting A Spiritual Chain Reactionby Marylyn Kirk, RScP There is One Life, One Power, One Presence, One Love. It is the Creative Power of the Living Spirit that guides all of existence into its most perfect expression. This love is infinite; there is no limit to the love of God. It is all-inclusive. I am included in Its power and in Its Love.  This I know to be true. I align myself with this truth …

Starting A Spiritual Chain Reaction

Starting A Spiritual Chain Reactionby Marylyn Kirk, RScP There is One Life, One Power, One Presence, One Love. It is the Creative Power of the Living Spirit that guides all of existence into its most perfect expression. This love is infinite; there is no limit to the love of God. It is all-inclusive. I am included in Its power and in Its Love.  This I know to be true. I align myself with this truth …