In the Midst of Chaos, I Find Peace – It is My Choice by Lovater Harris Jones, RScP On a daily basis, it seems, war, terror unkindness is breaking out somewhere on the Planet. Confusion and fear seems to be rampant. Despite what appears to be taking place, it is my choice on how I react to it. Once I have taken all of the steps necessary to protect myself and my family; have been …
Your Choices, “In the Moment”, are the Key
Your Choices, “In the Moment”, are the Keyby Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP Know with me that Spirit is the Essence of God Presence. Your truth is that Spirit Essence is present where it already abides – within you! This awareness of your Oneness with God, allows you tochoose to live your life “In the Moment”, honoring the Spirit Essence in you. As you read this prayer, know that it can, and will, bring you internal …
My Steps Are Divinely Ordered
My Steps Are Divinely OrderedLovater Harris Jones, RScP “Order my steps in thy word, and let not any iniquity [*strife, confusion, false belief, limitation or health challenge] have dominion over me.” ~ Psalms 119:133 (adapted),*Metaphysical Bible Dictionary Unity School of Christianity “The steps of a god man are ordered of the Lord. Think, my child on the word ‘steps.’ I truly order each step. I do not devise a plan and then leave you in …
Shifting from a Worrier to a Warrior
Shifting from a Worrier to a Warriorby Rev. Kamatara Johnson I recognize the presence of the One Loving Source, the Sacred Essence that expresses in all of life as we know it and even beyond what we can understand. This One Love, One Heart, One Mind is Infinite, Whole, and Perfect. It is the order to the seeming chaos. It is the bounty of this abundant life. It is the joy latent in every moment. …
Today I Choose to See the Good.
Today I Choose to See the Marilyn C. O’Leary, RScP I am reminded today that I have a choice about what I want to think. Do I want to think a thought that makes me feel bad or hopeless or good and hopeful? When the newspaper brings me someone else’s idea of what I need to know, and it’s usually something to be frightened of, do I become afraid, or do I look behind …