Peace has No Agenda

Peace has No Agendaby Rev. Gil William Olmstead, Spiritual Director May we know that Peace has no agenda, no winners and no losers, only Love embracing all. I embrace Ukraine and Russia, the Israelis and the Palestinians, and all who are experiencing conflict in the world in the knowledge of a different way, a profoundly better way, that will reveal itself as each of us goes deep into our hearts and finds that field beyond …

Rev. Martha Quintana. Senior Minister

Freedom from Internal Conflict

Freedom from Internal Conflict by Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister I decided about three weeks ago to surrender all internal conflict; you know, those inside voices that come up saying how things should have gone, how people should have behaved, and how the world should be a better place… for me. When I “should” about the external world, I immediately go to a place of conflict. The conflict is ugly, time consuming and exhausting. Internal …