God is All There Is by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God is Power in all forms, energy, motivation, purpose, talent, vigor, impulse. God is the power that fuels the planets, the energy that moves the world, the motivation in each person, the purpose that makes me live, the talent that I think of as God-given, the vigor that allows me to continue, and the impulse that moves me. I am one with this Divine Power. It …
I Am Comforted in the Arms of God
I Am Comforted in the Arms of God by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP When I am sad, lonely, and bereft, I remember that I am surrounded by God, because God is all there is. When I can be in touch with that knowing, that God is everywhere, I remember that God/Spirit/Lord/Father/Mother, whatever you want to call it, is my Good and my God. It is Comfort, Love, and Understanding. Spirit can dry my tears, warm my …
God is All There Is
God is All There Is by Liza Kerr, RScP There is one God, that God is my God, that God is part of me now. That God, my God, is everywhere and everything. My God is Love, Peace, Harmony, Gratitude, Prosperity, Joy, Abundance and everything else that I need. God is my source. I am one with God. There is no separation. The innermost God, and the outermost God are one and the same. If …
Divine Light is All There Is
Divine Light is All There Is by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God, Source, Divine Spirit, Divine Light, is all there is. I reach out to the Light, and the Light reaches back to me. I call to It, and It calls back to me. It is my work, it is my calling. God is that spark of light, deep inside me, deeper than my breath, that in spires me. It is serenity, love, power, peace, joy, …
God is All There Is
God is All There Is by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God is Power in all forms, energy, motivation, purpose, talent, vigor, impulse. God is the power that fuels the planets, the energy that moves the world, the motivation in each person, the purpose that makes me live, the talent that I think of as God-given, the vigor that allows me to continue, and the impulse that moves me. I am one with this Divine Power. It …