Peace, Passion and Possibilityby Robyn Rice Olmstead, RScP, ALSP, Emerita(818) 300-3911Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioner Council “Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment,” ~Thich Naht Hahn In great gratitude of “the moment,” I celebrate the Peace, the Passion and the Possibility that is God.PEACE, PASSION & POSSIBILITY, are who I am. I am inseparable from the Divine presence. So …
Wherever I Am, God Is
Wherever I Am, God Isby Lovater H. Jones, RScP “He that is within me is greater than any demand that can be made upon me. Now we have the very Word of God abiding in our consciousness, and no longer do we face the day alone, but with God.” ~Joel S. Goldsmith,“Awakening Mystical Consciousness” There was a time when I thought that unless I was in the middle of activity I was alone and experiencing the feeling of loneliness. …
The God Realty
The God Realtyby Alicia K. HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL “Someday after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” – Teilhard de Chardin God Is – I am God is the earth, the sun, and the moon. God is the firefly and the tarantula; the bumblebee …
The Universe Is Always For Us
The Universe Is Always For UsRev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries God is the essence of all that is. The Divine Energy that creates the Universe and makes it hum continues to expand and express–the Divine manifesting on this plane of existence. Everyone, everything, every place, every moment right now is God. God is the harmony and the cacophony, the whole package of experience and the unlimited potential yet to be manifested. And I …
Full of Gratitude
Full of Gratitudeby Rev Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director I am full of gratitude. The fullness of Spirit is evident everywhere, even as it is omnipresent. So as all life is Spirit revealing and expressing Itself, so are we that expression of Spirit. As God Is, I Am. As God Is, You Are! So all passion and joy and desire that springs forth through and as each of our being is Spirit in expression. All that …
You Can See and Feel God Everywhere
You Can See and Feel God Everywhereby Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP You Can See and Feel God Everywhere, as… God is the Source – the Source of all there is. God is all possibility and all Power. God is Infinite Good. God is the Life Force that feeds one and all. God is the Spiritual Energy Force. God is also that Powerful Presence of Light, Love, Peace, Beauty and Joy that one gets …
Limitless Life
Limitless Lifeby Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusRio Grande Center for Spiritual LivingTaos Study Group We are one with a universal creativeness which is the God of theology, the Spirit of mysticism, the Reality of philosophy, and the Principle of science. ~ Ernest Holmes ~ When we let go of any idea of limitation, an entire new world of possibilities opens up to us! For what I know to be true is that we are surrounded …
God Is
God Isby Rev. Karen Linsley, M.A., Interim Minister God is. It simply is. And I find great comfort in that fact. I also know that God not on is but It is everywhere present in and as all things. And I know that all things are here as creations of god and for god and as god. And so I know too that I am a creation of god and for god and as god. …
Wherever I Am, God Is
Wherever I Am, God Isby Lovater H. Jones, RScP “He that is within me is greater than any demand that can be made upon me. Now we have the very Word of God abiding in our consciousness, and no longer do we face the day alone, but with God.” ~Joel S. Goldsmith,“Awakening Mystical Consciousness” There was a time when I thought that unless I was in the middle of activity I was alone and experiencing the feeling of loneliness. …
Finding the Blessings
Finding the Blessingsby Nancy Bowers, RScP God is. In the beauty of nature, God is. In the death of a loved one, God is. In the resistance to what is, in the acceptance of what is, God remains – Steady, Loving, Supportive, Kind, Generous, Peaceful, indeed, All Goodness. In the midst of all of life, God remains and, in this moment, I pause to remember that the Truth of that Divine Essence is Unfettered Awesomeness …