Allowing Your Grief

Allowing Your Griefby Alicia Kay Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – Mile Hi It is human to grieve the loss of dear ones. We love them and cannot help missing them, but a true realization of the immortality and continuity of the individual soul, will rob our grief of hopelessness. We shall realize that they are in God’s keeping, and they are safe. We shall know that loving friends have met them, and that their …

Embrace It All

Embrace It AllAlicia Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL When they hate, I will love.  When they curse, I will bless.  When they hurt, I will heal.  When they deny, I will affirm.  I will be who I AM, for that is what Spirit created me to be.  – – Steven Charleston Dear sweet Spirit, heart of my heart, loving Infinite Life.  I turn within in a moment that I find exquisitely sad.  My …

Treatment for Grief

Treatment for Griefby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP Divine Love, divine life, divine comfort, divine guidance, divine goodness is all around. It fills this universe. It is its Source. I am one with Divine Source, Divine Life, Divine Comfort. I approach the Divine with a heart full of grief, a presence filled with loss. I am the parent who has lost a child. I am a wife who has lost a husband. I am a child who …

Divine Love

Divine Loveby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP Divine Love surrounds us. It is constant, universal, and everlasting. It is comfort and warmth, the answer to prayers, the light of Life.  It is what brings us together. It is what assures us that we are divinely guided.  We exist in the arms of Spirit, we are never alone. Love is eternal life. It takes our grief and transforms it into compassion and forgiveness. We are compassionate with ourselves …

Allowing Your Grief

Allowing Your GriefAlicia Kay HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group I t is human to grieve the loss of dear ones. We love them and cannot help missing them, but a true realization of the immortality and continuity of the individual soul, will rob our grief of hopelessness. We shall realize that they are in God’s keeping, and they are safe. We shall know that loving friends have met them, and that their life flows on with …

Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP

Love Shows Up

Love Shows Up by Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP What I know is that Love shows up for me. What I know is that Spirit is always here. Always. I am so incredibly blessed. The Light shines always upon me. Always, even in my deepest moments of darkness, or grief. The darkness occurs only because, occasionally, I place my focus elsewhere. When I return into the knowing, into the awareness of Love in Spirit, there is …

Marilyn O'Leary, RScP

Divine Love

Divine Loveby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP Divine Love surrounds us. It is constant, universal, and everlasting. It is comfort and warmth, the answer to prayers, the light of Life.  It is what brings us together. It is what assures us that we are divinely guided.  We exist in the arms of Spirit, we are never alone. Love is eternal life. It takes our grief and transforms it into compassion and forgiveness. We are compassionate with ourselves …

Marilyn O'Leary, RScP

Treatment for Grief

Treatment for Griefby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP Divine Love, divine life, divine comfort, divine guidance, divine goodness is all around. It fills this universe. It is its Source. I am one with Divine Source, Divine Life, Divine Comfort. I approach the Divine with a heart full of grief, a presence filled with loss. I am the parent who has lost a child. I am a wife who has lost a husband. I am a child who …

Love is the Order of the Day

Love is the Order of the Day Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister Today’s prayer begins even before the sun rises and even before I’m fully awake. It’s a prayer that’s been longing to be known. It’s a prayer of love, thanksgiving, and gratitude. It’s the prayer of resurrection and a prayer of gentle release. The Love that created the world is still here now. It created and continues to create. It fell in love with …