Where We Are

Where We Areby Tilia Giron, Chaplain and RScP It all begins where we are. So, then, let us begin with self-kindness – and Spirit. With kindness to the self, you and I embrace and kindle Kindness within us And bring it outward and forward. Spirit is always with us. So, give yourself this day the gift of Kindness in every way that you can imagine – whatever that is – and it will naturally flow …

The Unfolding of Kindness

The Unfolding of Kindnessby Alicia Kay HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group As we take a moment on this glorious day that God has made, we acknowledge the presence of that very same God or Spirit, that ineffable Presence which  surrounds us, moves through us, expresses and manifests as us. We know and declare that this Spirit is in each and every one of us, in each person we meet, and indeed, in all of the peoples of the planet. Let …

Where We Are

Where We Areby Tilia Giron, Chaplain and RScP It all begins where we are. So, then, let us begin with self-kindness – and Spirit. With kindness to the self, you and I embrace and kindle Kindness within us And bring it outward and forward. Spirit is always with us. So, give yourself this day the gift of Kindness in every way that you can imagine – whatever that is – and it will naturally flow …

Marilyn O'Leary, RScP

Treatment for Joy

Treatment for Joyby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP I am filled with joy to live another day in this beautiful world. It is good to remember that God is all there is. What that means is God is the informing energy, Spirit, in all things. That being so, God is everywhere, eternal, all-knowing, all-good. God is the positive force for Good in the Universe. It is what is. It is Love, Joy, Abundance, Perfection, Health, Strength, Power, …

Russell Tobey Pope

Be Kind

Be Kind by Russell Tobey Pope, RScP Practitioner Emeritus I found a painted rock about the size of a softball in the park several months ago. Someone had painted it and left it in the grass for someone to find I was lucky enough to have spotted it. I picked it up and read the inscription. It simply said, “BE KIND.” Those two words touched my heart. I picked it up and brought it home …