Attracting Success, Second Partby Dr. Ernest Holmes Suppose one wishes more activity in his business, more success. Every day he should see his place filled with people. See them looking at and finding pleasure in his merchandise;see them comparing prices and realizing that he is offering good values; see them delighted with the service his is giving; see them cheerful, beaming, expansive, as they enjoy the atmosphere of his place; see the uplift which …
Attracting Success
Attracting SuccessDr. Ernest Holmes We mean by demonstration, bringing into our experience something which we had not experienced before; bringing it in as the result of conscious thought; and unless it is possible to do this, our whole science is a mistake and a delusion. Unless there is a divine principle, Universal soul or subjectivity, or medium, which, of itself – -without any help or assistance – -can produce things, and will, then there is …
Attracting Success
Attracting Successby Ernest Holmes “Science of Mind” page 299-300 We mean by demonstration, bringing into our experience something which we had not experienced before; bringing it in as the result of conscious thought; and unless it is possible to do this, our whole science is a mistake and a delusion. Unless there is a divine principle, Universal soul or subjectivity, or medium, which, of itself – -without any help or assistance – -can produce things, …
Opening to the Good
Opening to the Good Dianne Martin, RScP “Everything that’s coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it’s attracted to you by virtue of the images you’re holding in your mind. It’s what you’re thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you.” — Bob Proctor in The Secret God is the one source of everything. It is eternal and ever present. It is love, abundance, beauty, peace, joy; …
Attracting Success, Second Part
[imaioVideo v=1] What is Affirmative Prayer Or Treatment? Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living This Sunday, October 13th, 2013 10 AM Maria Dion, RScP “Money: A Route to Transformation“ Money has been described as “the root of all evil” in our society, but what if instead it is really the Route to Transformation? Money is one of the ways in which we express ourselves in the …
Attracting Success
[imaioVideo v=1] What is Affirmative Prayer Or Treatment? Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living This Sunday, October 13th, 2013 10 AM Maria Dion, RScP “Money: A Route to Transformation“ Money has been described as “the root of all evil” in our society, but what if instead it is really the Route to Transformation? Money is one of the ways in which we express ourselves in the …