Embracing Change by Anchoring in the Changeless

Embracing Change by Anchoring in the Changelessby Nancy R Bowers, RScP God is Changeless. Constant. It is Love. It is Joy. It is a Peace so deep, so all-consuming that no appearances can dislodge its Pervasiveness.  And yet, I seem to be in the ever-changing, enveloped by evolutionary forces that demand adjustments.  At my core, I am as God is, and I return to that Truth again and again, knowing that therein lies my stability. …

As They Are

As They Areby Nancy R Bowers, RScP “Let all things be exactly as they are.” ~Lesson 268, A Course in Miracles “Nothing outside you can ever give you what you’re looking for.” ~Katie, Byron. Question Your Thinking, Change the World (p. 1). Hay House. Kindle Edition. “As you begin to see that everything you’re waiting, working, or hoping for in the future is already here now, within you, it challenges and changes the way you think, …

Exploring Life

Exploring Lifeby Nancy Bowers, RScP “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” ~ T. S. Eliot “Let all things be exactly as they are.” ~Lesson 268, A Course in Miracles Life is forever happening through us. As I breathe into the awareness of this moment, I release all ideas of opposition to NOW and …