Liza Kerr, RScP

There Are No Limits

There Are No Limitsby Liza Kerr, RScP There is one God.  God is all things and everything, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Everlasting.  I behold the presence of God.  I invoke and evoke that thing called God to this time and this place to help guide this prayer and its intent.  I know that God is Love, Peace, Harmony, Abundance, Prosperity, Joy, Serenity, and Acceptance. I know too, that I am one with God.  There is no …

Liza Kerr, RScP

There Are No Limits

There Are No Limits by Liza Kerr, RScP There is one God.  God is all things and everything, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Everlasting.  I behold the presence of God.  I invoke and evoke that thing called God to this time and this place to help guide this prayer and its intent.  I know that God is Love, Peace, Harmony, Abundance, Prosperity, Joy, Serenity, and Acceptance. I know too, that I am one with God.  There is …

Liza Kerr, RScP - God is Love

There Are No Limits

What is Affirmative Prayer Or Treatment? Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living Sunday, Dember 14th, 2014 9 AM and 11 AM “Turning 5: Are you Ready to Love and Be Loved?” Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister Today we celebrate our 5th Birthday! Since the community’s inception, the constant question is “Are you ready to love and to be loved?” It is the basis for our individual spirituality and …