Allowing Your Griefby Alicia Kay Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – Mile Hi It is human to grieve the loss of dear ones. We love them and cannot help missing them, but a true realization of the immortality and continuity of the individual soul, will rob our grief of hopelessness. We shall realize that they are in God’s keeping, and they are safe. We shall know that loving friends have met them, and that their …
Comfort and Peace in Times of Loss
Comfort and Peace in Times of Lossby Barbara Hernandez, (former) RScP In recent days a close friend has made his unexpected transition. In my human state, I am so saddened by this loss of a friend and fellow traveler. In my spiritual knowing, I am happy for him as he is beyond all the worldly attachments and pains. I believe the next experience is filled with no pain, strife or human discomforts. There are many …
Allowing Your Grief
Allowing Your GriefAlicia Kay HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group I t is human to grieve the loss of dear ones. We love them and cannot help missing them, but a true realization of the immortality and continuity of the individual soul, will rob our grief of hopelessness. We shall realize that they are in God’s keeping, and they are safe. We shall know that loving friends have met them, and that their life flows on with …
Accepting Loss
Accepting Loss by Marylyn Kirk, RScP What I know is that there is only one eternal loving presence. It fills the universe, and it is everywhere present, now and always. Spirit is everywhere, in the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown. This presence is the power of God/Love/Life, expressing in, through and as form. I recognize Spirit as limitless, that is everywhere present and available 24/7. I know that I am a …
Prayer for Healing
Prayer for Healingby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP This prayer is for the healing of the body, and of any feelings of loneliness, abandonment, and loss. I am aware of the Divine Power filling the universe. It is All there Is. It is perfection – perfect Health, perfect Well-Being, perfect Love, perfect Comfort, it is like a beautiful flower whose perfection comes from Spirit, like a perfect carrot coming from the garden that smells of the earth, …
We Prescribe a Friend
We Prescribe a Friendby Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister Dedicated to Rev. Dr. Alice Bandy “We are wisdom and healing, roastedmeat and the star Canopus. We’re ground and spilled wine soakingin. When illness comes, we cure it. For sadness, we prescribe a friend. For death, a friend. Run to meet us on the road. We staymodest, and we bless. We look like this, but this is a tree, and we are morning wind in the …
Accepting Loss
Accepting Loss by Marylyn Kirk, RScP What I know is that there is only one eternal loving presence. It fills the universe, and it is everywhere present, now and always. Spirit is everywhere, in the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown. This presence is the power of God/Love/Life, expressing in, through and as form. I recognize Spirit as limitless, that is everywhere present and available 24/7. I know that I am a …
For Buddy and All of Our Departed Pets
For Buddy and All of Our Departed Pets by Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister We met Buddy the Dog nine years ago when he ran into morning traffic on Lomas. All the cars came to an immediate stop because no one wanted to be responsible for his death. My daughter and I watched the chihuahua-ish puppy with spindly legs run around the cars, and then we watched with horror as he placed his head underneath …