One in All Things

One in All ThingsBy Rev. Gil William Olmstead, Spiritual Director I am filled with gratitude at the wonder of Spirit revealing Itself as each one of us, expressing as our lives, as our loves, as the unfolding perfection that we are. We are bound together as the One Life, living It as It lives us. I and Universe are One in all things. Knowing this to be true, I know that all appearances of lack …

One Loving Presence

One Loving Presenceby Jennifer Harrison-Sanchez, RScP Recognition There is One Loving Presence in this Universe. This Loving Presence engulfs all that there is, was and ever will be. This Loving Presence is in every corner, nook, and cranny of our lives. This Loving Presence has no beginning or end. It is all that there is. From the deepest parts of the oceans that have never been seen to the far reaches of the galaxies that …

I Can Choose Again!

I Can Choose Again!by Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries Knowing there is only One from which all comes, this One is Infinite Goodness, Unconditional Love, and Unlimited Possibility. This One is the Sacred Essence of each person, place, thing, and time. There is nowhere where God is not. So I am God in the here and now, still connected and expressing the Divine. Whether I’m aware of it or not, I am a …

One. One. One.

One. One. Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director One. One. One. There is One Power. There is One Life. There is One Love. All things contained in the One. The One is the essence of my life, of every life. We cannot be separate from the inseparable! All needs are met in this One. All desires are met in this One. All truths emanate from this One. My life is the life of the One. …


Onenessby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director Oneness. All things are One. There is no way to separate ourselves from the entire Creation. I know that Oneness is not onlyness. The Spirit of life is infinite expression  of Oneness.  I know that what appears to me to be differences that would separate us are really the marks of infinite Oneness. I release all ideas of this being a universe of only One thing and embrace this …

In the One

In the Oneby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director All things exist in the One. The ultimate source of all things is the same source that exists as me, exists as all things and all people. Today I live this life that I have been blessed with in absolute confidence and gratitude. I know that the least productive thing I can do is hinder the flow of perfection that is seeking to express as me. I …

Only One

Only Oneby Rev. Gil William Olmstead, Spiritual Director There is only One. And that One is all inspiration, all life and all beauty. Light, music and the breath of all creation is of the One. And that One is me, it is you, it is all! I know that I am only Spirit. All the comes forth is an expression of the One. That truth is the truth of your life and the truth all …

Kerry Blecha, RScP

The Divine Mind

The Divine MindKerry Blecha, RScP I believe that there is One ever-present, Divine Mind.  And, that all creation is a reflection of that mind which is Spirit or God.  Divine Qualities of God flows through the Universe as Love.  Thus Life, Peace, Health, Abundance, Joy are ever present, in unlimited quantities, every moment. All things are of The Mind and One with The Mind.  As I believe this Truth I know all thoughts become things …

Teresa Greco, RScP

I am One with this Source for Now and Forever

I am One with this Source for Now and Foreverby Teresa Greco, RScP There is an energy that pervades all existence, and I know it to be the most exquisite form of Love and Beauty that knows Itself as the Creator of all that exists. It is the most kind and understanding Power that stands in its own light and reflects a most magnificent demonstration of Peace and Harmony. It is the Pattern of Perfection …

One Loving Presence

One Loving Presenceby Jennifer Harrison-Sanchez, RScP Recognition There is One Loving Presence in this Universe. This Loving Presence engulfs all that there is, was and ever will be. This Loving Presence is in every corner, nook, and cranny of our lives. This Loving Presence has no beginning or end. It is all that there is. From the deepest parts of the oceans that have never been seen to the far reaches of the galaxies that …