Where is God?

Where is God?by Yvette Trujillo, RScP Where is God? Lately, I’ve been reflecting on Unity’s concept of the power of Order—how it’s about aligning fully with spiritual law. My relationship with order has been, let’s say, a bit rocky. Growing up, my dad and oldest brother were very disciplined, and I quickly developed a “don’t tell me what to do” attitude, with a side of “you’re not the boss of me!” I realize now that …

The Order of the Day

The Order of the Dayby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director The beauty and power of the Universe is everywhere present and always revealing perfection. That perfection is my life and it is your life. We are one with this power, always able to access the full richness of the Universe as us.  I know that oneness with the universal law is the order of the day. All individuals function together as community, and all appearance …