The Divine Essence at the Center of All

The Divine Essence at the Center of Allby Chris Duvall, RScP As I begin this day, I remember who I am.  I speak a word of faith for myself and for all. I look to the Divine Presence, Power, and Intelligence, which is in, through, and as me and everyone.  I recognize It as the Whole, of which each is part.  I know that the Divine Relationship holds each one securely, and within It there …

Feeling into the Presence of Spirit

Feeling into the Presence of Spiritby Rev. Gil William Olmstead, Spiritual Director Today I feel into the presence of Spirit everywhere. In the cool air, in the bright sun, in the majestic mountains – the evidence of creation and the creative power of the Universe is around us at every turn. This Power is the essence of who we are. My life is a revelation, an expression, of this Power even as each one who …

Teresa Greco, RScP


Presenceby Teresa Greco, RScP I know that there is a Presence that resides within and I know that this Presence is an abiding energy in the universe.  This Source loves unconditionally and is a guiding force that always has been and always will be.  I am reminded of times when I have felt hopeless and yet knew that there is a Power within that knows that hopelessness is an opportunity to remember to turn to the …

In the Depths of the Cosmos and Right Here

In the Depths of the Cosmos and Right Hereby Katy McCree, RScP Living spirit almighty, its loving presence is felt in the depths of the cosmos and right here, right now. The maker of oceans and valleys and rain and wind. This power is all beauty and balance,  light and love.  And what a joy to know, it lives and breathes through me. It has always loved me and loves me still. In every condition, …

A Treatment to Reveal our Wholeness

A Treatment to Reveal our WholenessAlicia K. Hanlen, RScP EmeritusTaos Study Group “I rejoice in emotional wholeness.”  Dr. Ernest Holmes Let us together recognize that there is but One Power, One Infinite Possibility, One Perfect and Divine Pattern.  This Power and this Pattern is inherent in every living organism, and is right here and right now present in me and in anyone reading or hearing these words. This Divine Pattern contains within it the quality …

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

God Is Everywhere

God Is Everywhere!by Rev. Kamatra Johnson Oh the Divine Adventure of Life!  God is Excitement and heart-pounding Exhilaration. God is “what goes bump in the night” and what rattles our bones with fright.  God is that region just outside our comfort zone that pushes us to express Divinity even more.  God is everywhere, whether in the light or in the dark! And this is where I stand.  I am the manifestation of God on an adventure as I make …

Sue Hoadley, RScP

Prayer of Presence

Prayer of Presenceby Sue Hoadley, Former RScP God of all that is lives within me, in my heart, in my bones, in my breath. God’s Presence is Peace, Love, Power, Wisdom and Intelligence. I know therefore that I am not ever without, I am not alone and I am totally equipped to beautifully handle anything that Life presents, anything that is asked of me. I know this Presence is here within me always and in …

Treatment for Awareness of the Presence in all Situations

Treatment for Awareness of the Presence in all Situationsby Marjorie Larragoite, RScP “You are all gods, if you only knew it.  Behind the wave of your consciousness is the sea of God’s presence.  You must look within.  Don’t concentrate on the little wave of the body with its weaknesses; look beneath.  Close your eyes and see the vast omnipresence before you, everywhere you look.  You are in the center of that sphere, and as you …

I See Clearly

I See ClearlyKathy Mathiason, RScP God is the one Creator of all there is in the Universe.  God is the Source of all Light, all Love; the Energy in the Universe which created everything.   All that I see, hear, touch, everything I know is God.   There is no place where this Energy, Light, Love is not present. So knowing that God is fully visible in all things, I affirm and declare that I am one …

Teresa Greco, RScP


Gracedby Teresa Greco, RScP I acknowledge the presence of Spirit within and my days are filled with joy and love.  Gratitude flows within every cell in my body because  I know I am graced by Its presence.  This One Spirit shared by humanity is within me. It blesses me, loves and guides my thoughts, words and actions. It is all there is and I am filled with gratitude. The gifts I receive because of its …