After Every Fire

After Every Fireby Greg Gardner, RScP After Every Fire There is always, always rebirth. Remember the caterpillar Remembering that god is all there is, I celebrate this summer season of plenty.Life returns to the gardens, forests and fields of the world. Everywhere I look, I see abundance.Friends and family support me with so much love.Abundance, love and peace pour into my life in this momentDaily I open myself to all of this abundance and I …

Personal Transformation Treatment

Personal Transformation Treatmentby Julia Washington, RScP This is a time of “new birth”, regeneration and rebuilding of one’s consciousness. A time to make great changes in our lives, to no longer judge by appearances or events that may alter our lives. The letting go of anything that does not bring peace of mind. Having a knowingness that God is all there is, that the Presences surrounds and lives in us all. By our words and …

A Time of Renewal/Rebirth

A Time of Renewal/RebirthBarbara Hernandez, Former RScP Spring is my favorite time of the year (outside of the winds) but even those have their purpose in life and in the renewal process. As we sing in our closing song each Sunday “What a Wonderful World” “in the brightness of day and the dark sacred night”, there is again the thing that we don’t necessarily like (darkness). Spirit, God, Universal Oneness is in everything including the wind and …

Rebirth and Renewal

Rebirth and Renewalby Liza Kerr, RScP Spring is a wonderful time in New Mexico. As you look around you see the trees budding and the flowers blooming. Everywhere you look there are signs of new life, and vitality. There is a metaphorical stretching out and shaking off the mantle of Winter. Everywhere we look there are signs of growth and a fresh affirmation of life. For me, this year especially, is a time of rebirth …