The Flow of Energyby Nancy Bowers, RScP “Possession is a form of doubt. People cling to what they (think they) have because they doubt they are worthy of it. If they knew their own worth, they’d know there is no need to cling. You can’t always get what you want. But you get what you need. And you always have more than you could want. The wanting just gets in the way of enjoying what you have. Acquisition …
Giving and Receiving
Giving and Receivingby Nancy Bowers, RScP “The cost of giving is receiving.” ~A Course in Miracles A prayer of thanks for God’s supportive nature: There is but one Life, one Source, one Power behind everything and everybody. I call this power God. It is the giver of all of life, the essence of everything, and that essence is Love. It is Generosity, Support, the Ultimate Gift-Giver the Father and Mother of all of creation. And …
Releasing Resistance to Giving and Receiving
Releasing Resistance to Giving and Receivingjointly by the Seven Laws of Spiritual Success class and Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director God/the Universe is abundant, infinitely abundant. Joyful. Beautiful. Playful. Joyful. Generous. Fun and Conspiring for Good. I am ALL That. All of that is my divine inheritance: my natural state; my essence. I am Love and I am Loved. I know who I am and I serve as spirit. I am open and willing. I …
Treatment for Receiving and Accepting Our Good
Treatment for Receiving and Accepting Our Goodby Marjorie Larragoite, Practitioner Emeritus “We should hold out our cup of acceptance until it is filled and overflowing with the manifestations of our desires.” Holmes, Ernest, The Science of Mind, p. 246.4 “The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.” I Corintians, 2:14, Holy Bible There …
The Flow of Energy
The Flow of Energyby Nancy Bowers, RScP “Possession is a form of doubt. People cling to what they (think they) have because they doubt they are worthy of it. If they knew their own worth, they’d know there is no need to cling. You can’t always get what you want. But you get what you need. And you always have more than you could want. The wanting just gets in the way of enjoying what you have. Acquisition …
Giving and Receiving
Giving and Receiving by Nancy Bowers, RScP “The cost of giving is receiving.” – A Course in Miracles. A prayer of thanks for God’s supportive nature: There is but one Life, one Source, one Power behind everything and everybody. I call this power God. It is the giver of all of life, the essence of everything, and that essence is Love. It is Generosity, Support, the Ultimate Gift-Giver the Father and Mother of all of …
The Best Life has to Offer
The Best Life has to Offerby Kamatara Johnson, RScP “Prepare your mind to receive the best that life has to offer.” Ernest Holmes I recognize the power and presence of the Infinite Loving Source expressing in the here and now. I know the Divine is showing up in every aspect of my life because God is all there is. I am finite and infinite in the Divine, so I am connected to the Infinite warehouse of …
Treatment for Receiving and Accepting Our Good
Treatment for Receiving and Accepting Our Goodby Marjorie Larragoite, RScP “We should hold out our cup of acceptance until it is filled and overflowing with the manifestations of our desires.” Holmes, Ernest, The Science of Mind, p. 246.4 “The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.” I Corintians, 2:14, Holy Bible There is …