Heaven Withinby Liza Kerr, RScP God is everywhere and is all things. God is all-powerful, Omniscient, and Almighty. God is the source of Creative Thought, Joy, Love, Happiness, Peace, Serenity, and Wisdom. There is nothing that is not God. I invoke and evoke that Source of all Goodness into my thoughts and into this time and space. Perfect God, Perfect Being – PERFECT ME! I know that all of the qualities that are of God are also part of me, …
Abundance for RGCSL
Abundance for RGCSLby Chris Duvall, RScP On behalf of RGCSL, its Ministers, Board of Directors, and Community, I invoke an Absolute Knowing of Innate Abundance along with Firm Belief in an Innate Ability to attract Good. To the extent that a change in perspective and experience is needed, I invoke the Highest, most Unifying, most Loving Newness-Producing Activity now. I am humbly aware that such Activity insists upon highest integrity and alignment; therefore, on behalf …
For Peace and Love
For Peace and Love by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP I begin with what I know: God is all there is. That means that the Universal Spirit of which we are a part is everywhere, all-powerful in the co-creation of possibility, benign in that it is not an evil force but a good and loving one. That Divine Presence is everywhere, in every situation. There is no place where Spirit is not present. This means that when …
Love of God Enlivens Me
Love of God Enlivens Meby Kathy Mathiason, RScP There is one Life, Unconditional Love, Intelligence, and Power in the Universe which I call God. It created me out of the Itself as perfect love, truth, and life. The Unconditional Love of God enlivens me with everything I need in order to experience the nature, qualities, and attributes of God in my life, right now. I experience the perfection and wholeness of a healthy body. My …
Treatment for General Well Being
Treatment for General Well Beingby Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL Infinite Divine Life, this day I declare my divinity, my absolute birthright as a child of Life, a child of God. I realize with an unflinching certainty that I am part and parcel with the greater expression of life. I know that all of the goodness there is, all of the wisdom, all of the love, all of the joy that can be expressed, is …
Positive Thoughts Are Mine, Today!
Positive Thoughts Are Mine, Today!by Kathy Mathiason, RScP In this sacred moment, I know that there is one Divine Power that is creating everything in the universe. This Loving, Intelligent Power is the force behind all that exists, seen and unseen. Spirit knows nothing outside Itself, and nothing different from Itself; therefore, all is Spirit. I am an important part of this Intelligent, Loving Spirit. Every thought I have manifests into form. What I experience …
Love Fulfilleth the Law…
Love Fulfilled the LawErnest Holmes, Founder A MOTHER’S PROBLEM Question—”How can I overcome sorrow and loneliness caused by separation and not hearing from my two daughters?” “ANSWER—’Love fulfilleth the Law.’ If you will realize perfect freedom for your daughters, you will be working the law for your own freedom. ‘Loose them’ and know that there is no separation in mind. The very mind current that flows through your own consciousness flows through that of your …
There Is One Life and It is My Life Now
There Is One Life and It is My Life Nowby Chris Duvall, RScP I lovingly invite each reader to place themselves in the “I” of this prayer… There is One Life and It is my life now. This Life is a unified Whole, expressing uniquely in me and in each and all which lives and moves and has its being in the One. This LIfe is Joy and Strength. It is Health and Wellbeing. It …
Abundance for RGCSL
Abundance for RGCSLby Chris Duvall, RScP On behalf of RGCSL, its Ministers, Board of Directors, and Community, I invoke an Absolute Knowing of Innate Abundance along with Firm Belief in an Innate Ability to attract Good. To the extent that a change in perspective and experience is needed, I invoke the Highest, most Unifying, most Loving Newness-Producing Activity now. I am humbly aware that such Activity insists upon highest integrity and alignment; therefore, on behalf …
Anticipation Of Goodness
Anticipation Of Goodnessby Barbara Hernandez, Former RScP The blessing of the day is before me. I feel the love of the Universe in my chest, surrounding me in a hug. It is that presence of the Universal Oneness that is me and is all that exists in this experience. I take in a deep breath and allow it to fill me releasing all feelings unlike itself, anything that is less than pure LOVE, happiness, gratitude, …