Shadow Dancing

Shadow Dancingby Yvette Trujillo, RScP This morning I am delighted to consider the presence of my shadow. I take this time to look at the fullness of my expression and recognize that all of it, all of me, is the creation of the Divine. If I believe that all of creation is that of God and I believe that God is Good, then all of me must be Good as well, not just the parts …

Yvette Trujillo, RScP

Shadow Dancing

Shadow Dancing by Yvette Trujillo, RScP This morning I am delighted to consider the presence of my shadow. I take this time to look at the fullness of my expression and recognize that all of it, all of me, is the creation of the Divine. If I believe that all of creation is that of God and I believe that God is Good, then all of me must be Good as well, not just the …