The Spirit of Life and Loveby Katy McCree, RScP In love and trust, I affirm the Spirit of Life and Love is the same life that flows through me, and is me, right now. What a joy it is to know that Source is with me all the time, and that I am one with everything there is. It does not matter the condition and situation, I am always loved and supported to the other …
I Cooperate with the Source of All Power
I Cooperate with the Source of All PowerLovater Jones, RScP “There is a Power in the Universe and we can use it.” Ernest S. Holmes The other day it was a beautiful day in Albuquerque – it was warm, there was a soft breeze, the sky was a wonderful shade of blue; it was a day to be out and about. Off in the distance, I noticed a hawk soaring, and as it did so, …
Source is with Me
Source is with Meby Teresa Greco, RScP I trust the Source within. It guides me, nourishes me and loves me exactly as I am. I take comfort in the knowledge that this Source is with me at all times. I know that I am part of the whole and that whatever I need comes to me effortlessly. When I awake in the middle of the night I feel compelled to pray. Sometimes the words of …
God as the Source
God as the Sourceby Liza Kerr, RScP God is everywhere and is all things. God is Omniscient, and Omnipresent. God is Truth, Understanding, Cooperation, Beauty, Divine Wisdom and Divine Right Guidance. God is the source of all Love. God is Pure Love. Perfect God, perfect being, perfect man; each of us is this individualized personification of God. There is nothing is us that is not also in God, there is nothing in God that is …
The Source of All is All
The Source of All is Allby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director The Source of all is All. The expression of Source is everywhere and everything. My life and your life expresses this Source in concert with the majesty of mountains and the power of great rivers. We are all that is Source. There can be no thing that is separated from us for the All is each one of us. I declare, then, that our …
The Source
The Sourceby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Senior Minister The Source of all is All. The expression of Source is everywhere and everything. My life and your life expresses this Source in concert with the majesty of mountains and the power of great rivers. We are all that is Source. There can be no thing that is separated from us for the All is each one of us. I declare, then, that our actions are must be …
God as Our Source
God as Our Sourceby Liza Kerr, RScP As I am sitting here surrounded by nature breathing in the beautiful spring air and letting it fill my lungs with its warmth, I am reminded that “I am”. Looking out into my beautiful garden and appreciating the abundance of colors, and the different patterns found in nature I am again amazed at the complexity of nature in all its glory. I recognize my connection with everything I …
Connecting with Source
Connecting with Sourceby Teresa Greco, RScP I recognize Spirit as Harmony expressing Itself as Competence and Well-being, Spirit knowing Itself as Itself. I know that this Power is in everything and I declare that God is all there is. I accept God as my true nature and I am connected with this Source. I experience my oneness with It at all times. I am connected to the power of God and know that my life …
I am One with this Source for Now and Forever
I am One with this Source for Now and Foreverby Teresa Greco, RScP There is an energy that pervades all existence, and I know it to be the most exquisite form of Love and Beauty that knows Itself as the Creator of all that exists. It is the most kind and understanding Power that stands in its own light and reflects a most magnificent demonstration of Peace and Harmony. It is the Pattern of Perfection …
The Source of All is All
The Source of All is Allby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Senior Minister The Source of all is All. The expression of Source is everywhere and everything. My life and your life expresses this Source in concert with the majesty of mountains and the power of great rivers. We are all that is Source. There can be no thing that is separated from us for the All is each one of us. I declare, then, that our …