Kathy Mathiason, RScP

The Creative Powers of Spirit

The Creative Powers of Spiritby Kathleen Mathaison, RScP “Disciplining your thought and feeling will heal you, provided you realize that both thought and feeling are the creative powers of the Spirit within you.”  Raymond Charles Barker, The Science of Successful Living The Spirit and Principle of all Life is love, wellness, harmony, peace and perfection Divine Order is the principle of all life, and Divine Right Action is always in harmony and perfect balance.  Everything in the Universe is the …

Kathy Mathiason, RScP

The Creative Powers of Spirit

The Creative Powers of Spiritby Kathleen Mathaison, RScP “Disciplining your thought and feeling will heal you, provided you realize that both thought and feeling are the creative powers of the Spirit within you.”  Raymond Charles Barker, The Science of Successful Living The Spirit and Principle of all Life is love, wellness, harmony, peace and perfection Divine Order is the principle of all life, and Divine Right Action is always in harmony and perfect balance.  Everything in the Universe is the …

Kathy Mathiason, RScP

The Creative Powers of Spirit

The Creative Powers of Spiritby Kathleen Mathaison, RScP “Disciplining your thought and feeling will heal you, provided you realize that both thought and feeling are the creative powers of the Spirit within you.”  Raymond Charles Barker, The Science of Successful Living The Spirit and Principle of all Life is love, wellness, harmony, peace and perfection Divine Order is the principle of all life, and Divine Right Action is always in harmony and perfect balance.  Everything in the Universe is the …

Alicia Kay Hanlen, RScP

The Principle of Truth

The Principle of Truth by Alicia K. Hanlen Practitioner Emeritus Taos Study Group God’s world is perfect, and this is the Principle we have to demonstrate.  – Dr. Ernest Holmes Dear Spirit, Source of All, Heart as my heart, Love as my life, in this very moment I turn my full attention inward and just revel in the feeling of union with my Source, with my Supply, with the God revealed in my life as …