There’s So Much Happening!

There’s So Much Happening!by Yvette Trujillo, RScP God is all there is. Spirit flows in, around and through all that I can see and all that is invisible to me. Divine mind is that which operates everything in the Universe and as I look around, there’s so much happening! There are blades of grass coming up in amazing colors of green, there are leaves growing and filling in the trees and the birds, newly animated …

Drenched in Love

Drenched in Loveby Nancy Bowers RScP Sometimes, I slip back into old habits.  When I take a moment to step back and listen to myself, I notice that I am complaining.  I am anticipating problems.  I am expecting them.  When I notice this, I stop and remember how Good God is. I remember that energy follows thought and that since I am co-creator in this life of mine, it would behoove me to anticipate an …

Beloved Community

Beloved Communityby Rev. Kamatara Johnson “Our goal is to create a beloved community, and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There is but one Loving Source from which all life comes.  This Sacred Essence expresses as joy, abundance, love, peace, compassion, and on and on…all the qualities of the Divine. And as each one of us is an …

Serendipitous Needs for Intensive Care

Serendipitous Needs for Intensive Careby Chris Duvall, RScP A member’s son has been in a local hospital’s intensive care unit for a month. Last Sunday from the podium, the member shared his gratitude for compassionate care received from the RGCSL community.  As board president, he went on to give a report on the health of our center. He said our Vital Signs of Life are strong and strengthening, but we need intensive care financially.  How good …

Nancy Bowers, RScP

Love and Support

Love and Supportby Nancy Bowers, RScP God is Everything.  In, through, above, and below: God is in everything.  In this moment of peace, I pause to breathe into my awareness of Spirit, knowing that now, as in every moment, God’s Love and Support are here.  It’s everywhere.  And it’s everything.  When I give up judgment, it is all there is.  I choose this moment, to tune into that Love and Support.  I remember that as …

A Place of Comfort

A Place of Comfort by Alicia K. Hanlen, RScP Taos Study Group Have you ever felt alone, in need of a friend, comfort or support – and didn’t know where to turn?  Is there some area of your life that you believe needs healing?  Some idea of lack in regards to your health, finances, relationships, or your peace of mind?  Even your very connection to your source? Today, in this moment, together let’s put this all …

Liza Kerr, RScP

Stand and Believe

Stand and Believe by Liza Kerr, RScP These are difficult times for those of us who have been abused and spoken up and not been believed.  We can choose to stand together and love and support each other.  We can believe in each other.  We can choose to keep our hearts soft and not brittle, and we can choose to be a ripple of love and compassion, knowing that the ripple can change the world …

Chris Duvall, RScP

The Breath of God

The Breath of Godby Chris Duvall, RScP As I breathe in, I lift my inner eye to look at Oneness, Wholeness, and Love. I look at Light, Guidance, and Support . As I breathe out, I release attachment to ideas of separation. I set aside self-righteousness. I wash away judgements until all inner channels are open and clear. I declare that I am the breath of God. I have the understanding of God, the faith …

Kamatara Johnson, RScP

Beloved Community

Beloved Communityby Kamatara Johnson, RScP “Our goal is to create a beloved community, and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There is but one Loving Source from which all life comes.  This Sacred Essence expresses as joy, abundance, love, peace, compassion, and on and on…all the qualities of the Divine. And as each one of us is an …

Marilyn O'Leary, RScP

God Is Still there for Us

God Is Still there for Usby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP Remember the lilies of the field. They neither toil nor spin, yet they are arrayed in glory. (from Matthew 6:26 NKJV) I greet the day aware that Divine Spirit is all, knows all, supplies all, loves all. Spirit is in all, and I am One with Spirit and One with every other being. This astounding truth permeates my life and understanding. Because Spirit gives all and withholds nothing, because …