Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP


Surrenderby Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP As a child, I always thought surrender was giving upAnd I wasn’t going to be a quitter.  Older, I see surrender as more of loosening my tight gripOn what I want so earnestlyAnd entrusting it n letting it flow to join and merge with the Divine CurrentOf All That Is. And forSomehow to open to something wildly better than my imagining to manifest for me. Yes!! !  So as I …

Trusting Wholeness to Express

Trusting Wholeness to Expressby Maria Dion, RScP There is only One Power, One Presence, and I call it God. God is the Loving Presence that is the Vast Assembly that underlies, fosters and creates everything in existence. God is LOVE unbridled; it is the Author, the Doer, the Seer, the Intelligence that is in back of everything. It is in every person, place and thing and cannot be contained. It is continually expressing. God is …

Today is the Day

Today is the Dayby Robyn Rice Olmstead RScP, ALSP, Emerita(818) 300-3911Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioner Council Today is the day I Remember. Today is the day I Trust.  Today is the day I Know the Infinitude of the Divine! As I stand in the Oneness, I celebrate Spirit in Action! This state of “Action”, activates my being. In Gratitude and Faith,  I know Peace. In Trust and Wisdom I align with the Divine and allow …

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

I Trust, I Allow and I Release these Words into the Law

I Trust, I Allow and I Release these Words into the Lawby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries I heighten my awareness, open my own mindfulness in this moment, to recognize the Presence of the One Loving Source, the Sacred Essence of all, what I choose to call God. God is lavish abundance and unprecedented creativity, always expanding across the Universe and expressing right here and now in this moment. And as there is …

We Are One

We Are Oneby Maria Dion, RScP There is one Power, one Presence in existence and I call It God. God is Peace, Strength, Harmony and Joy. It is the Loving presence that creates and nurtures everything into existence and the most perfect evolution imaginable. I Unify with God in this and every moment. I am filled with peace, harmony and joy. Infinite Intelligence guides me in every action, every idea. God’s Strength is my strength; …


Trustby Yvette Trujillo, RScP I know this day there is one Power and one Presence that lives and breathes through all of creation. It is right in front of me in every step I take. It is the magnificence of this beautiful crisp morning. The simplicity of feeling the sunshine on my face this morning reminds me that God ‘s light is always accessible and that it is, in fact, all there is. As I …

God Has This!

God Has This!by Yvette Trujillo, RScP God is the power and the presence infused in the peace of this quiet morning. It is the very air I breathe. As I sit here and center myself in the consciousness of Spirit, I contemplate the wonder of God as it shows up in nature; The beautiful undulations of Starlings flying at sunset and huge schools of fish twisting and turning as if one body, in perfect order, …

Sue Hoadley, RScP

Trust and Surrender!

Trust and Surrender!by Sue Hoadley, Former RScP As I observe the heavens above, the stars and planets in orbit, as I witness the joyful reemergence of Spring flowers, watch the development of the butterfly out of the chrysalis, I know the Source of all that is is the most brilliant Divine Intelligence for Good! (God is really really smart and God loves us beyond our imagining!)  And so I know deeply that my life is …

Teresa Greco, RScP

Trusting Spirit

Trusting Spirit by Teresa Greco, RScP There is a Power in the universe that I call Spirit. It is all there is, always has been and always will be. This Power is the manifestation of all that is good and everything is good. It is absolutely all there is and what It is is Love, Peace and Harmony. It lives within me and has always been with me. It guides my thoughts, words and actions. …

Julia Washington, RScP


Silent!by Julia Washington, RScP Is the universe not here? why does life show up as unrest?  Trust, life of God, within.Trust, that prayers do not go unanswered. Go deeper in faith, the God within meets the god without. In the Wonder of God in life, we move our thoughts, words, deeds to the understanding of the One source of love, wholeness, peace, and blessings of self and others, no matter the station in life. In this, …