From Broken to Whole

From Broken to WholeAlicia Kay Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – Mile Hi You should take time daily to rise above any sense of confusion.  As you do this, you will feel a stillness at the center of your being.  – Dr. Ernest Holmes My mind quiets; my body stills, and . . . I remember.  I allow the impulse of the Divine to wash over me, cleansing, soothing, and comforting me in every and …

Trusting Wholeness to Express

Trusting Wholeness to Expressby Maria Dion, RScP There is only One Power, One Presence, and I call it God. God is the Loving Presence that is the Vast Assembly that underlies, fosters and creates everything in existence. God is LOVE unbridled; it is the Author, the Doer, the Seer, the Intelligence that is in back of everything. It is in every person, place and thing and cannot be contained. It is continually expressing. God is …

Wholeness is in our Divine DNA

Wholeness is in our Divine DNAAlicia Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL Here and now I am healed.- Dr. Ernest Holmes Today I declare my divine birthright!  I am made from pure stardust, fashioned after the angels and the gods.  The qualities of God’s perfection are mine, and everyone’s, when we open to the truth of who we are.  So, in this precious moment, I accept wholeness of mind, body and spirit, as I …

Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP

The Oneness

The Onenessby Chaplain Tilia Giron, Ph.D. RScP I let go.I let go of perceived needOf the illusion that I need anything,Rather, I anchor into the Oneness. And in that Oneness, I am filledFull.I have everything I needIn fact, I know not of need. I only know Wholeness.Wellness.Goodness.Love And Completeness. An Allness that fills and surrounds me so completely that I lose awareness of all else.I am simply here.I just Am.Joy, Love, and Wholeness.Immersed in the …

Wholeness and Health are Mine

Wholeness and Health are Mineby Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group Infinite Divine Life, I know that I am part of the cosmic fiber of the Universe.  I accept and acknowledge in this now moment that I am, as well as anyone else reading or hearing these words, encircled in Love, and I begin immediately to envision my body as whole and healthy, in every way.  I breathe deeply and easily; I rest in …

Turn to Wholeness

Turn to WholenessAlicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group I now know and declare that Wholeness is everything and everyone, and that it always overcomes separation. So in this moment, as I quiet my mind and sense the Presence, I see this Wholeness present in all things. I am filled with wonder and joy at the beauty in my world, as I know:  God is all there is. My heart swells with abundant Love for …

Wholeness Revealed

Wholeness Revealedby Alicia HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group Healing is not creating perfection — there is a perfect part of us that is whole — so, we don’t heal anything, we reveal that which is already whole. —Ernest Holmes Know with me that there is a power and a presence inherent within each and every one of us. As I connect with this Infinite Presence, I know that Wholeness is at the center and the circumference …

What is Healing? Healing is Wholeness!

What is Healing? Healing is Wholeness!by Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP Your ability to Heal comes from your Wholeness. Wholeness is about your “Unity” with Your Personal God in a healthy and almost sacred or divine relationship and with all that matters to you. In that Unity, your strength of Faith will increase, and your ability to heal and to benefit from Wholeness for your best and highest good will be elevated by a higher spiritual …

A Treatment to Reveal our Wholeness

A Treatment to Reveal our WholenessAlicia K. Hanlen, RScP EmeritusTaos Study Group “I rejoice in emotional wholeness.”  Dr. Ernest Holmes Let us together recognize that there is but One Power, One Infinite Possibility, One Perfect and Divine Pattern.  This Power and this Pattern is inherent in every living organism, and is right here and right now present in me and in anyone reading or hearing these words. This Divine Pattern contains within it the quality …

A Prayer for Those Seeking Health to Say Aloud

A Prayer for Those Seeking Health to Say Aloudby Chris Duvall, RScP I look to Divine Oneness – to Sacred Beingness. I name It Health…Wholeness…Well-being. I am of the Divine Oneness. I am of the Perfect Being. I am of the Unlimited Wellness. I am That I am. That is my Reality, my Truth. I unite with It now. If there is anything in me – mind, body, or soul – that is not singing …