Taking a Deep Dive

Taking a Deep Dive
by Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner Emeritus
Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living
Taos Study Group

Prayer is but the divulging of the divine reality to our individual consciousness.  Turning within, watching, always listening for the divine reality, is the secret of spiritual living.  – Joel Goldsmith

Breathing into this moment, and allowing myself to become grounded, I turn within to that sacred Source of my being.  That Source that provides my very breath, my heartbeat, and all that I am.  Today I choose to open to the possibility of complete and total alignment with that Source, as I take a deeper dive into my individual consciousness.  Open to dwelling in that secret place of the most high.  Open to living, moving, and breathing from that center, that God-consciousness.  Watching for signs, sensing my intuition, and being open to correctly interpreting all of it for my highest an best outcomes.  Listening from that place deep within which only speaks Truth, and turning to God for my divine guidance, direction and protection.   Knowing God, that is my divine purpose, and I welcome every out picturing and experience,  My heart is filled with grace and gratitude, as my consciousness expands further, and I become a beacon for love, peace, and understanding. And so it is.