Kamatara Johnson, RScP

Tapped into Spirit to Walk My New Path

Tapped into Spirit to Walk My New Path
Rev. Kamatara Johnson

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

I recognize the Presence of the One Loving Source, the Divine Vibration that expresses in all of life as we know it and beyond what we can understand. God is all there is, from the order to the chaos, the sunshine to the clouds, the peaks to the valleys. Every moment is God. Every place is God. Every time is God. Every person and thing is God.

Knowing this Infinite Expression of Spirit is all there is, I am one with Spirit. I am God in action in the here and now. I breathe the Divine and the Divine breathes through me. I am aligned with the Divine that is the Presence and Power within.

Tapped into Spirit, I affirm for myself a deeper sense of confidence and grace as I consciously evolve into my higher self. I release old ways of being, and so I have the strength to walk my new path, aligning with my deepened values and expanded knowledge. As I learn more about myself, I take full responsibility for my past and honor what it has taught me, but I also let it go as my past no longer defines my present. I will no longer dim my light or live in fear. I choose to stop unhealthy personal habits and interpersonal game playing. I choose to step into my Truth as a balanced individual expression of loving kindness: kindness for myself and for others. I allow my new path to unfold, without trying to control it. I surrender to being fully present, in the moment, aligned with love, making healthy choices, and saying what I really mean. This is my new normal.

I am so grateful for the ability to change and grow and deepen, to consciously evolve and then practice that new expression of self. I’m grateful for the inner strength and confidence that mindfulness gives me. I appreciate the power of the word to create my own reality and to create anew. I’m so blessed to be able to lean into Spirit and be filled with grace and insight.

And with complete confidence in the Law, knowing that thoughts are things…I release this prayer into the Law, knowing it is already unfolding in Divine Right Order now. And so it is.

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