The Bridge Across Our Differences

The Bridge Across Our Differences
by Alicia K. Hanlen
Practitioner Emeritus
Taos Study Group – RGCSL

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there. – Rumi

There is a billboard sign in a field near where I live that simply states,”Meet in the Middle”. In today’s overly critical, analytical, social-media based society, it can be challenging. So today, let’s try a different approach, as we know together:

Right where we are, there is only God/Spirit/Love. Right now there is only Peace/Joy/Abundance. In the quiet of this now moment, together let us know that we are connected In every and all ways possible. As we lean Into that middle ground of inclusive thinking, we see a path forward to build a bridge. So we go there, allowing all of our fellow humans to simply be who they are with no strings attached, no judgments clouding our thinking. Step by step, inch by inch, the sense of “otherness” falls away and we can embrace our “sameness” with ease and grace. And then we are in that field of which Rumi speaks, and the bridge itself is no longer needed and simply fades away. The heaviness eases, the pain lessons, as we breathe in the sweet sense of understanding, forgiveness, and ultimately Love. The struggle ceases, the rain cleanses our soul, the sun warms our heart. We are utterly and completely free to be all that we are as that precious incarnation of the One. Filled with gratitude, grounded in Truth, we take that first step to freedom. And so it is. Amen.