Carol Helms, RScP

The Call of Spiritual Adventure

The Call of Spiritual Adventure
by Carol S. Helms, RScP

Carol Helms, RScP

“It is a wonderful experiment and a great adventure to make conscious use of the Law; to feel that we can plant an idea in Mind and see it gradually take form.” ~ Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, p. 271.

On February 4, 1989, a wise retired school teacher was my first contact with what I now consider a real spiritual program; a 12-step program that the wise teacher, who immediately became my sponsor, called “an adventure.”  I was hooked by the word “adventure,” and never has a word had truer fruition…until some 26 years later when I found my way to the doors of the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, where almost immediately I recognized the call to spiritual adventure.   The paths of both spiritual programs complement each other, and at their respective finest, set forth a series of principles and practices for better living; and both continue to expand within me and explore new and deeper expressions in me, as me.  My life continues to be an adventure of curiosity, calling and contemplation on the path of spiritual growth; and exploring fun and evolving rituals, a/k/a practices, without boundaries.

There is one Life; that Life is God, and that Life is the Trailblazer and Guide on this adventure that is my life.  I am one with the One Life, and in that Oneness I seek and see my connection with God, and everything and everyone.  The gifts of the oneness adventure confirm that God is always everywhere present; that the all-knowingness and power of God within me is always ready to come forth and express in, as, for and through me.  The truths of the oneness adventure reveal themselves to me in many visions and forms, and while my daily walking-meditative prayers are always repetitive, they are never to the same.  The truth underlying each evolves to greater clarity; the parameters of the principles and practices expand and reveal new nuances daily; and at some point, my heart invited my mind to move in with it. 

Today I say yes and thank you, God for our essentiality in the Whole; for our same uniqueness and unique sameness; for the equanimity, equity and equality in everything and everyone, forever falling in love with the equitable beauty of all. Today I know with and for each of you in the vibration of this prayer a beautiful, new and adventurous day to fall in love with yourself.  And so it is.