Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP

The Darkest Moment

The Darkest Moment
by Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP

Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP

I am grateful for all my gifts

Especially, the knowing that within the darkest situation

A pearl awaits me.

In my own unconsciousness, I have brought the darkest moment upon me,

Only now, the precious pearl is mine.

The quirk, or unexpected, however, is that in the midst of that

Completely overwhelmingly-dark-beyond-anything

One-could-ever-imagine is that

Once the gift is found in the midst of all that stinking fowl guck,

The gift overshadows the guck.

Oh no, it is not gone, wish that it were.

It remains and will never be wiped away. How can it?

What’s done is done,

But, the pearl illumines the spirit and the path and explains

And shines forth such that the path is full of Light and the Greatest Love

And so am I.

Thanks be to the God I know of Love and Brilliance.

And so it is!