Nancy Bowers, RScP

The Light Within You, Shines, Shines, Shines

The Light Within You, Shines, Shines, Shines
by Nancy Bowers, RScP

Nancy Bowers, RScP

God is Law, Predictable and Constant, Powerful and Sure. It is Principle. It is Dependable. It is the Eternal Yes. And the nature of that Yes is Pure Love, Pure Peace, Total Joy. It is Giving. It is Supportive. It Blesses Constantly, for It is Steady and Stable and Certain in Its Lovingness. It is Changeless. It is Clear.

And I know that this is true of me as well. That being made in God’s likeness and image that the truth of who I am is constant and changeless. I am rock-solid, dependable, and certain. I am loving and giving and kind, for at my center is eternal goodness, eternal love and joy. And just as I know this is true for me, I know this to be the truth of you, dear reader. You too are made in God’s likeness and image and the core of who you are, is certain and powerful and dependable and loving. Kind and giving, you are this amazing depiction of the Divine. You possess an unwavering strength and you are awesome. You are certain. You are clear.

So knowing this, I now speak my word for you. I claim for you the goodness that is your birthright. I affirm for you the ability to keep your boundaries clear, that in all your dealings, you remain true to who you really are, and the light within you shines, shines, shines. You are kind but firm as you do what needs to be done. You are always in integrity, forever honorable. You choose behavior that reflects love and goodness, which comes from the strength of being true to yourself while respecting others; recognizing the oneness of us all. You are so surefooted in your actions and because you are so clear, so certain, everything unfolds easily and effortlessly for you. You remain calm and collected as you say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done. You are anchored in goodness and love, and speak your word from your divine truth. Your spiritual goodness shines through always, for it is who and what you are.

And so I give thanks. I give thanks for knowing the truth of who you are, for the privilege to being able to remind you of that truth, for the honor of being able to provide a space for you to become who God intends for you to be. I am grateful for our center, for our community, for people who remember the truth of you I am when I forget as I am grateful to remember the truth for others when they forget.

And now I release this prayer into the Eternal Yes, into the arms of the Divine, knowing God has heard my prayer and supports us constantly. It is done and it is good and it is peaceful, for it is Law. And so it is! Amen.

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