The Many Courts of Love
by Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP
I open to love
I open to the height of love
I open to the depth of love
I open to the very center of Love.
I open to the heart of love.
And the many courts of love.
I open myself to myself
As an emissary of love
And when I am in the throes of seemingly non-love, I look to the love
And I remember who I am.
I am the love.
I am of the Love
I am the love of The Love
Therefore, I cannot be but love.
A love so full and encompassing
It encircles and encompasses all.
It is all inclusive.
It is that that I know
When I know that Love that loves me.
That Love that loves you.
That loves us all.
In our every thought, act and desire
There is no thing that escapes this Grand Love.
For we are born of an Unfathomable Endless
Profound Love.
I am so grateful for
This Path of Love
The Path of One Love.
And so it is!