The Same Life

The Same Life
by Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director

I give thanks for my life. The wonder of Creation is everywhere around me. In the familiar and the unfamiliar. All of it is the same Life. That Life is my life, That Life is your live now. The One Life flows in, as, and through every aspect of creation. You nor I can escape it. For it is our very essence – we are It.

Knowing that this ever revealing Life is making Itself known as me and as each one, I know that every opportunity is perfect; that I can never be “too small” or not worthy. I am Worthy. The very definition of Worthy is who we are. I declare that we walk fearlessly, confidently and boldly trusting the gifts that we are.

How great it is to know this and to be held in the arms of the Divine. I am truly grateful and simply allow it to be.

And So It is. Amen

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