The Sanctity of this Moment
by Rev. Kamatara Johnson
Turning my awareness within, I breathe deeply in and out, recognizing the Divine that is breathing me and I am breathing the Divine. I recognize the sanctity of this moment, the stillness, the gentle pause I take to realign with the Divine that is always there. I open up and reconnect to the Truth of my being. I am that which Thou art and Thou art that which I am. There is no separation. One heart; one mind; one life.
So I speak from my heart, my mind, and my life. From this place of creation and power, I claim for myself an opening, a deepened understanding of those around me, especially those I just don’t seem to get. Fill my heart with compassion and peace so I can listen more, talk less, and come to a place of knowing the Truth even for people who initially feel difficult to me. I know that people are always doing their best and so am I. I welcome grace to wash over me in the heat of the moment and for Spirit to take over my mind and my words so I can be an instrument of the Divine right there and then. I allow my eyes to be opened to Love and release any thoughts, words, actions, or feelings that do not align with love. I bless this mess, which includes my messy self, and love it all for the beautiful bounty that it is.
I give thanks for this moment of prayer, to tap back into the Divine and remember who and what I am. I appreciate the realignment, getting back on the rails of compassion and love. I especially appreciate all the people in my life who help me develop that compassion and love, how that blesses us all. So I release this prayer knowing that it is already done in my heart, in my mind, and in my life. And so it is.