The Truth of the One
by Yvette Trujillo, RScP
Living in such a fast-paced world, it can be hard to pause long enough to catch your breath and this experience can sometimes be overwhelming. But I know that amid all the frustrations there is a power and presence that is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent. I remember the truth of the One Life by looking around me at the shifting of seasons that I have been longing for through this long summer. It is evident in the cooling air kissing my skin and is made visible in the dancing and singing of dried leaves on the ground.
As I experience this, I remember too that the Divine is smack dab in the middle of all the dancing and singing in my life and as I sink into this recognition, I remember that not only am I surrounded by the Divine, I am indeed infused by Spirit. I know that this is not only true for me, it is the truth of all creation, so it must be true of you.
This perfect activity of the One Life is the activity of your life. The Universe that is evident in the wonder of nature, is equally running through the activities of your day. Life is in the middle of your fullest schedule and overflowing inbox. It is the very activity of the busyness of your week. And because I know that we live in a Universe that is for us, I know that all of this is the life of God that is for you. Remembering that, I know and declare that there is an emerging experience of Balance and Peace that flows in all aspects of your life, at work, at home and all the spaces in between. That which knows everything is guiding your thoughts and your actions and transforms your frustrations into a recognition of blessing in the form of Peace and Joy.
I am so grateful for the awareness of the truth, that God is all there is, that God is my life and it is yours.
From this place of gratitude, I surrender my word, that is infused with the power of Spirit living in, through and as me, into the activity of the Law that can only say yes, and does so now.
And so it is.