Treatment for Health, Wholeness, Healing and Well-being

Treatment for Health, Wholeness, Healing and Well-being
by Marjorie Larragoite, Practitioner Emeritus

This treatment is dedicated to all our members and friends who are having health issues.

God within me is mighty to heal. He healeth me of all my diseases and removes all fear from me. My God within is now healing me of all sickness and pain and is bringing comfort to my soul. God is my life, I cannot be sick.  I hear the voice of Truth telling me to arise and walk, for I am healed… I AM HEALED.  (Holmes, Ernest, THE SCIENCE OF MIND, p. 508, paragraph

1)The Universe is a perfect, undivided whole, and healing can take place only when one is unified with it.  (Holmes, Ernest, THE SCIENCE OF MIND, p. 447, paragraph 2.)

There is One Presence, One Power, One Spirit, One Mind. This One is God, the Living Spirit Almighty, which is in, through and around all that exists.  This One is the Truth of Being for me and is also the Truth of Being for all those who are experiencing problems with health issues of all kinds.  Each one is totally and completely one with with the One, the Spirit Divine.  This Spirit lives within each one and expresses as and through each one.

I declare that I am totally and completely One with this Divine Spirit.  And every person who is having health problems of any kind is also completely unified with that Divine Presence, which is the great Healer.  Oneness with the great Healer is the truth of Being of all.

I affirm that each person who is now feeling ill or having health problems of any kinds is now healed and whole.  Each of these individuals is now guided as to what is needed to be accomplished or experienced to bring this about in the highest and best way.  All medical personnel who are working with these persons are also guided to do whatever is for the highest and best in allowing the Divine Presence to be totally and completely expressed through each one as health, wholeness, healing and well-being.  All difficulties are now healed and removed and each one expresses the Divinity in the very best way as total wellness.

I give thanks that this now occurs for each one in the highest and best way possible.  Knowing this has already been accomplished in the Mind of God as I wrote these words, I accept health, and wholeness for every person and know that is is now done perfectly and completely.  I am grateful for this now being brought forth for each one.

I release this to Infinite Mind,  knowing it is now done perfectly and wonderfully.  So I let it go, I let it be, I declare it done.  And so it is.  AMEN