Treatment for Knowing One’s Purpose
by Marjorie Larragoite, RScP
There is one Presence, one Power, one Spirit, one Life. That one is God, the Divine Creative Power that is within each person. It is the Divine Presence that is the truth of every being; the Spirit within; the Life of all. I am one with this Presence. It is my truth of being, I am the God presence expressing as me. And this is also true of all others. Each one is an expression of the God Presence; the Truth within.
From this Presence all gifts are given; everyone is created according to that Creative Presence within. And for each one, there is a divine purpose in this life; the reason for this incarnation. It is what each one has been brought here to achieve, the perfect mission for each person in this life.
I declare that each one is led to find the purpose for this existence, to do whatever it takes to determine that mission and to fulfill it in the highest and best way. Each one is divinely guided to find that purpose; that mission for which they are here in this life. Each one is led to take the steps to determine what is to be done and the courage and strength to take action to bring it about.
I give thanks for this awareness, for the knowing of divine purpose, and for the fulfilling of that mission. I give thanks that this is done perfectly and wonderfully by that creative Presence that is within all.
And with gratitude, I release this to God, letting go and letting God bring this forth in the highest and best way. I let go, I let it be. And so it is.