Treatment for Payment of a Home
by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP
O God-in-me, inspire me to a rich life that lets me know the truth of my being, that guides me to a knowing of God-in-me.
God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent. God is All. God is Truth, Peace, Power, Love, Freedom, Harmony, Happiness. God is Abundant. God is the answer to all prayers.
I know that I am one with God. As I live in God, I feel safe, I feel secure, I feel loved, I feel worthy. This is so because I know that I am One with God. This is true for all who read these words and believe it is true for them.
I am free. I am clear. Spirit is in me, bringing to pass my intentional desires.
From the depths of my feelings and knowing, I know my home is paid for, it is free and clear, it is mine. Nothing is owed on it. Knowing this, I am relaxed, I am grateful, I am abundant, I am generous. I appreciate living and giving in the law of circulation.
I give thanks for all that I have, all that I am, all that I have been given, and all that I have been able to give.
I release my prayer to the Universe of all possibilities, knowing it is answered now with a resounding YES. And so it is.