Treatment for Release of Depression and Sadness

Treatment for Release of Depression and Sadness
by Marjorie Larragoite, RScP

“Rejoice in the Presence always, and again I say Rejoice.” ` Phillipians 4:4 Holy Bible

“We are to rejoice evermore. There is no sadness in the spirit. It is happy and free, for it knows neither depression nor confusion, and we belong to It, are in and of It. We are to rejoice evermore.” Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, p. 496

There is one Presence, that infinite divine Spirit that lives within each person. This one is the divine Source of all Good. It is Love, Light, Joy, Happiness, Peace, Serenity, Wisdom, Truth and much more than any words can name or describe. It is Eternal Bliss…the Knowing that all is good and all is well.

I am one with this Divine Presence. It lives in me and expresses as me. This is also the truth of all others, especially those who are experiencing depression and sadness at this time. Within each of these persons is Spirit, which is Joy and Happiness, among all its other wonderful attributes. The truth of being of each individual is that Loving, Giving Presence which is the Source of Happiness and Joy always.

Therefore, I now declare for each person who finds themselves feeling sad and depressed that there is the Presence within and it is the opposite of those feelings. Each one is now able to go within and make contact with that Divinity, and “Rejoice in the Presence”. I aver for each one the ability to release the feelings of sadness and depression and allow the Divine One within to come forth as happiness, joy, freedom, and awareness of the Spirit that is the truth of Being of each one. I affirm that each individual is now guided to take action to reach out to others and to release the melancholy that has been held. Every person now finds for within themselves that wonderful path to feelings of happiness.

I give thanks for this awareness, for the understanding of the Presence and for allowing that divinity to be expressed in the highest and best way. I give thanks for each person for the capability of releasing the sadness and depression and accepting joy in life and living.

I release this now to Divine Mind, knowing that it is now brought forth in the highest and best way.

And so it is.