When I Feel Like I’ve Failed…

When I Feel Like I’ve Failed…
by Chris Duvall, RScP

When I feel like I’ve failed …

There is One Life, that Life is God’s life, that Life is perfect, that Life is my life now. I call It Ground of Being–First Cause, Miracle Working Power-Presence-Intelligence, Undeterred–Undisturbed–Undeniable Freedom.  I surrender all the human part of me into that reliable Reality.  Knowing I am safe There, I let go of my attachment to appearances, collusion with comfort, and craving for carbs.  Anything in mind, body, heart or soul, which is not in alignment, now falls away.  I declare that I am clear and pure.  As Spirit, I did not and cannot fail. As Spirit, I am of thy perfect faith and faithfulness.  I allow the I Am That I Am to walk my path and make my starry choices.  I allow It to enjoy vigorous health, productivity, and success through me.  Each day I take another step in faithful follow through.  Clear, willing, and unified with Thee, I remember, receive and release Thy Word and Work into Law.  I am grateful the Life I recognized lives, moves and has being through me, causing health and strength, support and sufficiency, ease and efficiency, renewal and fulfillment. 

In This Peace I rest and say, “And so it is!”