Deepening our Endurance
by Rev. Kamatara Johnson
As I take a long, deep breath, my body is replenished and strengthened. I am more centered and focused. I recognize that inner core of myself with each breath that is life flowing in and out of me in the moment. This Divine breath is always present. This One Loving Source that supports all of life is there to support me, every moment of every day, no matter the feelings, the thoughts, or the circumstances. I am one with this Divine Presence. I am not alone.
And leaning into this Divine Source, I remember to keep breathing. I keep putting one foot in front of the other. I take a shower and put on some fresh clothes and eat some healthy food and make my bed, even if I feel worn out and lost, tired and adrift. I bank on my routines to keep me grounded. I do my daily prayers and journaling even if I don’t feel like it. I find out what day it is even though they may all seem to be blending together. I call a friend. I do my work with extra commitment to do it well. I power-up in the Divine to deepen my endurance, to be able to run through this pandemic that feels like a marathon I didn’t sign up for. I work through the discomfort that is arising personally, professionally, socially. I do the heavy lifting with the Divine. I don’t pretend it’s not there. I lean into the Divine, surrender it all, and strap on my hiking boots for another day of moving forward. I focus on my intentions of being love and more love in this world, bringing kindness to the table, and functioning from a state grace that only the Divine can give. In the Divine, I am strong enough, I am good enough, and I make it through what today brings.
I’m so grateful for the power of prayer to realign my heart and mind. I appreciate all the parts of my life that make me whole, whether they feel easy or hard…I know this week is unfolding in Divine Right Order and that I have the capacity to walk through it. So I release this prayer into the Law knowing that it is done as I have spoken and all is well. And so it is.