Authenticity and Uniqueness

Authenticity and Uniquenessby Liza Kerr, RScP Nobody knows what your special gifts are, and you won’t know until you try to express them. Follow your own interest. It will lead you where you need to go. You are an expression of this vast and wondrous universe. You are one of the things the universe is doing right now. This immense, mysterious existence is expressing itself everywhere at every moment. For the miracle to be expressed …

Treatment for Expansion and Authenticity

Treatment for Expansion and Authenticityby Marilyn O’Leary RScP The Spirit I think of as God is in you, is in me, is everywhere present, timeless and eternal. Spirit loves us deeply and sees the best in us. Spirit expands, grows, and brings ideas to life through us. The Power that is Spirit is in us, acts through us, and expresses as us. I am called by Spirit to be the best me I can be, …

Authenticity and Uniqueness

Authenticity and Uniqueness by Liza Kerr, RScP Nobody knows what your special gifts are, and you won’t know until you try to express them. Follow your own interest. It will lead you where you need to go. You are an expression of this vast and wondrous universe. You are one of the things the universe is doing right now. This immense, mysterious existence is expressing itself everywhere at every moment. For the miracle to be …

Liza Kerr, RScP - God is Love

The Year of the Mystic – Authenticity and Uniqueness

  Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living Sunday, January 11th, 2015 9 AM and 11 AM “The Thing Itself” Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister There is nothing supernatural about the study of Life from the metaphysical viewpoint. If we study whatever seems supernatural, and thoroughly understand it, it will seem “spontaneously natural.” Using this study, we can go deeper in our spiritual practice, heal, and/or live the lives we have …