A Treatment for Energy, Power and Strength

A Treatment for Energy, Power and Strengthby Marjorie Larragoite, Practitioner Emeritus To grant you, according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his Spirit.  (Ephesians 3:16) …those  who trust the Creator will find new strength.  They will be strong like eagles, soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.  (Isiah 40:31) God is ,,,the Intelligent Energy running through all.  Ernest Holmes, THE SCIENCE OF MIND, p.480 …

Teresa Greco, RScP


Presenceby Teresa Greco, RScP I know that there is a Presence that resides within and I know that this Presence is an abiding energy in the universe.  This Source loves unconditionally and is a guiding force that always has been and always will be.  I am reminded of times when I have felt hopeless and yet knew that there is a Power within that knows that hopelessness is an opportunity to remember to turn to the …

Nothing Missing

Nothing Missingby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director As I breathe into this moment I am filled with gratitude. I am grateful for the breath, I am grateful to be awake and and aware. I am grateful to know that there is One loving energy back of all things. This energy is the power of the Universe. It is the creative activity that manifest’ Itself as my life and the life of all. We are this …

Where We Are

Where We Areby Tilia Giron, Chaplain and RScP It all begins where we are. So, then, let us begin with self-kindness – and Spirit. With kindness to the self, you and I embrace and kindle Kindness within us And bring it outward and forward. Spirit is always with us. So, give yourself this day the gift of Kindness in every way that you can imagine – whatever that is – and it will naturally flow …

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

The Dynamic Energy of the Universe

The Dynamic Energy of the Universeby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries I recognize the Power and Presence of the One Loving Source that is the Positive Force operating in all of life. God is this Sacred Essence expressing in Infinite Varieties and Limitless Possibilities. This is the Dynamic Energy of the Universe and It expresses in all things, all places, and all times. It is That which is and That which may be. …

Nancy Bowers, RScP

God the Glorious Physician

God the Glorious Physicianby Nancy Bowers, RScP “I am, as I have told you, the dear and glorious physician. I can restore health to mangled relations. I can cure the woes of discouragement, the pains of loss. Allow me to reach you. Permit me to guide and counsel you. Acting through me, you act with wisdom and prudence. Acting through me, your good intentions are understood. I will give you words to say, actions to …

Sacred Earth

Sacred Earthby Alicia Kay HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group All the power of the universe is with you. Feel it, know it, and then act as though it were true. — Ernest Holmes I take this moment and just breathe in the sweet air that sustains my body, and indeed my life. How precious it is to know that with every breath, we re-center and allow our bodies to regenerate our lungs, cells, and organs. As …

Teresa Greco, RScP


Presenceby Teresa Greco, RScP I know that there is a Presence that resides within and I know that this Presence is an abiding energy in the universe.  This Source loves unconditionally and is a guiding force that always has been and always will be.  I am reminded of times when I have felt hopeless and yet knew that there is a Power within that knows that hopelessness is an opportunity to remember to turn to the …

A Treatment for Energy, Power and Strength

A Treatment for Energy, Power and Strengthby Marjorie Larragoite To grant you, according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his Spirit.  (Ephesians 3:16) …those  who trust the Creator will find new strength.  They will be strong like eagles, soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.  (Isiah 40:31) God is ,,,the Intelligent Energy running through all.  Ernest Holmes, THE SCIENCE OF MIND, p.480 There is …